
Pakistani Diamond Kundan Gold Wedding Bridal Fashion Jewellery 5

Pakistani Diamond Kundan Gold Wedding Bridal Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.

 Speaking about the exhibit, Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, president of The Citizens Archive of Pakistan has said 'The Birth of Pakistan' is one of the many community-outreach projects that lie at the heart of The Citizens Archive of Pakistan's work. We are a non-profit organization formed to foster, protect

and promote the cultur and history of Pakistan. We seek to educate the community, encourage an awareness of our nation's history and instill pride in Pakistani citizens about their heritage. With 'The Birth of Pakistan', we strove to present and recreate the early years of Pakistan's history in an

engaging and interactive manner for children. We believe the next generation of Pakistanis must appreciate and acknowledge the struggles and sacrifices of the first generation of Pakistanis in order to address the challenges that face our nation today."

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