
5Pakistani Diamond Kundan Gold Wedding Bridal Fashion Jewellery 7

Pakistani Diamond Kundan Gold Wedding Bridal Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina Aamir.

Curator of the Mohatta Palace Museum, Nasreen Askari has said "We live in an era in which museums are no longer viewed simply as repositories of objects but as sites of experience and delight that engage the mind as much as the eye.  We take delight in our collaboration with the Citizens Archive of Pakistan who have generously shared with us their historical archives and

valuable resources to produce an interactive exhibition...The creation of Pakistan is the theme of the exhibition and the ethos of the turbulent years leading up to it have been made explainable and evocative for children. Installed by the Citizens Archive of Pakistan in an authentic and innovative
manner, this exhibition is a pioneering attempt for the Museum and will hopefully pave the way for more exciting collaborations in the future."

"The Birth of Pakistan" was also made possible by the voluntary contributions of a team of a hundred students, artists, curators, researchers and academicians.

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