


Emerald Earrings Jewelery.
By Aamir Mannan.

EMERALD is the most precious greenish  stone amongst all green stones. It's most important and shiny stone. In hindi it is known as "PANNA"  in urdu it's called "ZUMRUD" and in english it's known as "EMERALD". Hazrat muhammad (S.A.W) has also kept his flag colour green. This stone is included in jems and it has been used from ancient times. The colour of this stone remains same in 

day and night. The colour of this stone increases our eyesight. This stone break into pieces at the time of disasters. This stone is also used in jewellery  from the ancient times. This stone can easily clean by cow milk. It has sharp edges naturally. Usually old emerald is hard than new one. 

It is usually used in hindu's religious pl;aces ans embalished their idols with this stone. It is available in the mountaineous area of Pakistan. The biggest mine of this stone is in Swat and it has 7000 fit above from the land.

Thus emerald is the most beautiful,greenish,hard and precious stone in the jems all over the world. It is used in a lot of jewellery i.e. necklace, earrings, rings and bracelets e.t.c.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! The jewelry are looking awesome, I must say that you have a very creative mind and the effort and patience, I would love to Buy Panna Stone thanks for sharing.
