
Pakistani Bridal Diamond Jewellery 92

Pakistani Bridal Diamond Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir. 

Afsharid dynasty[edit]

Sindh silver rupee found in south east Pakistan, under the Afsharid Shahs of Iran 18th century.
The dynasty was founded in 1736 by the military commander Nader Shah. After defaeting Afghans and capturing Kandahar In 1738, he invaded Mughal Empire. He captured whole of the modern-day Pakistan and defeated the Mughal army at the huge Battle of Karnal on 13 February 1739. After this victory, Nader captured Mohammad Shah and entered with him into Delhi. In Delhi he massacred 30,000 people and captured a lot of wealth.[60]
Durrani Empire[edit]
Map of durrani Empire in 1747
After Nadir Shah's death, in 1747 Ahmad Shah Abdali the Afghan general of Nader Shah declared independence and Established "Durrani Empire", which encompassed present-day Afghanistan, northeastern Iran, eastern Turkmenistan (including the Panjdeh oasis), most of Pakistan, and northwestern India, including the Kashmir region. Early in 1757, he sacked Delhi, but permitted the Mughal dynasty to remain in nominal control as long as the ruler acknowledged Ahmad Shah's suzerainty over the Punjab, Sindh, and Kashmir.

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