
Pakistani Diamond Women Fashion Jewellery 85

Pakistani Diamond Women Fashion Jewelry.
By Samina aamir.  

Main article: Hephthalite Empire

The Hephthalites (green), c. 500.
The Hephthalites (or Ephthalites), also known as the White Huns, were a nomadic confederation in Central Asia during the late antiquity period.The White Huns, who seem to have been part of the predominantly Buddhist group, established themselves in Afghanistan by the first half of the 5th century, with their capital at Bamiyan. Led by the Hun military leader Toramana, they overran the northern region of Pakistan and Nort western India and made their capital at the city of Sakala, modern Sialkot in Pakistan, under Toramana's son, Emperor Mihirakula, who was a Saivite Hindu. Hiuen Tsiang narrates Mihirakula's merciless persecution of 

Buddhists and destruction of monasteries.[50] The Huns were defeated by the Indian kings Yasodharman of Malwa and Narasimhagupta of the Gupta Empire in the 6th century and were driven out of India.[51][52] White Huns are believed to be among the ancestors of modern-day Pashtuns [53] and Rajputs [54]

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